














Golden yellow

Lemon yellow



Pistachio green


Emerald green

California blue

Thistle blue



Caribbean blue

Publishing a dissertation
We have been providing authors of dissertations and habilitations professional support for years. Our programme now covers around 20,000 titles from a variety of academic fields.
We would like to present the various options that are open to you in connection with the publication of your work.
If your dissertation is published as a book your work will be listed in the "Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher" (German Books in Print) and can be supplied through both national and international book stores. The most important aspect of our offer is that we do not ask for any advances for printing costs, i.e. the publication itself does not cost anything for authors or editors if it is accepted into our publishing programme. We guarantee our authors fast decisions on the acceptance of the title, short production times and a long-term availability of the publications. Authors and editors can purchase author's copies and offprints on special terms. All titles can be published as not only printed editions but also online documents and authors will receive a royalty on the basis of the sales revenue starting with the very first copy sold. A remuneration through VG-Wort is also possible.
Registering your publication in the "Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher" (German Books in Print) guarantees sales of the book through all sales channels.
We also advertise the titles by sending specially produced brochures directly to teaching and research institutions.
In the case of English-language publications we also concentrate on international sales in the USA and Great Britain in addition to national sales in Germany. Our English titles can be ordered internationally through book stores as well as or, for example.
Your title can be purchased in any retail book store, specialist book store and other book outlet. It can also be sold through wholesale booksellers.
Your publication can also be ordered at any time via the book catalogue on our web site, through amazon and numerous other Internet bookshops.
We send the title to anywhere within Germany as well as international customers.
We can also offer to print the desired deposit copies for the university in our own, in-house print center. As an innovative media company, we can guarantee the efficient production of your deposit copies in a high-quality printed book quality. We also take care of shipping the copies to the university library. We can offer an additional publication of the title in an electronic form with this option too.
A further publication option lets you provide your dissertation to the university library in an electronic form and to have the required number of deposit copies printed. All of the necessary information and links for an electronic publication can be found in your author account. In order to achieve a wider distribution of your title, the dissertation can also be offered as an online document in our bookshop. The work will be advertised in our new publications service and you will receive a royalty for all copies sold. We also take care of the printing and shipping the copies to the university library.
If our authors require help with the layout design of their manuscript, we can provide assistance with the typesetting as well as academic/scientific proofreading on request. Our proofreaders will be happy to help get the manuscript of your doctorate or thesis "into shape" in line with the rules of academic/scientific writing.
Our graphic designers are specialists in the typesetting and layout of academic/scientific manuscripts and can offer to produce a professionally designed book. We will be happy to provide any further information you may need.
A number of authors decide to have their academic/scientific work translated into English with the aim of achieving a wider international distribution and reputation. We will be happy to put you into contact with technical translators who are professionals in their field and specialise in English-language translations. With the help of these experts, you can be sure that your work will be translated accurately and in the appropriate style.
International sales in the USA and Great Britain is guaranteed by our sales and distribution system. We deliver our English titles worldwide and they can also be ordered through or, for example.
With the help of your personal author account you can publish easily and efficiently. Log on and get the various information and functions of our publishing platform.
After registration a price calculation is available in the authors account.
Publishing concept
Our publication concept is based on the latest technology and allows us to produce books at low cost and guarantee long-term availability. The progressive specialisation in all fields of science necessitates publishing for even small groups of readers (special interest) and an update of content at increasingly shorter intervals. Our publication concept is based upon and has been optimised for just this scenario. We hereby offer and allow our authors and editors:
Author-publisher contract
In connection with the acceptance of the publication into our publishing program, we also conclude an author-publisher contract with the author (standard contract dissertation).
The main features of the author-publisher contract are:
Following conclusion of the author-publisher contract the ISBN will be issued, the publication registered with the Deutsche Bibliothek and the title added to the Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher (VLB) (list of books available). Its distribution will then begin in the retail and Internet book trade, libraries, research, business and industry.
The advantages
of publishing a dissertation professionally can be summarised as follows:
Publication inquiry
You can use your personal account to submit your publication and to communicate quickly and easily with the pertinent editorial staff. Please use the following input fields if you want to make a non-committal inquiry about a publication beforehand.
We will make an individual offer for author's copies based on our most favourable terms at the time. The costs are normally based on the total number of pages, the configuration (format, paperback/hardcover, multicolour cover) and the quantity ordered.
Tell us the most important facts about your publication. Complete this form so that we can then send you more detailed information.
In order to produce your book we require a passed for press, typeset copy as a file in either PostScript or PDF format. A passed for press paper manuscript may also be accepted in exceptional cases.
If the author requires help preparing the manuscript we can also be of assistance in the field of typesetting and layout. We can also organise freelance proofreaders, lectors or graphic designers if necessary.
Authors of dissertations and habilitations have some important advantages through a professional publication.
You can choose any size for your book; DIN A5, DIN A4, B5 (17 x 24 cm) or a different size. Adapt the format instructions in the notes on creating file copies accordingly.
Page 1 on the author's title page contains the references to the dissertation or habilitation. Page 2 contains the date of the examination or remains empty.
When creating your files the margins for DIN A4 should be at least 2.0 cm and for DIN A5 at least 1.4 cm. These figures relate to a total volume of around 200 pages. Take into account a larger margin for a larger number of pages. You do not have to activate the “Inside margin” option. We recommend a 1.5 cm gap to the margin when configuring headers and footers.
We recommend a 13pt font with 1.3-fold line spacing for the text and a 12 pt font for comments, quotations, footnotes, etc. These figures apply when creating a DIN A4=100% text. You should however use at least a 12pt font with 1.5-fold line spacing and a 10pt font for footnotes. The character height in tables and images should not be less than 6 point (approx. 2 mm).
The author is in principle free to choose his or her own font. Serif fonts such as Times or Palatino are best for longer texts. Sans-serif fonts such as Arial and Verdana can also be used for texts with illustrations or formulae.
New parts of the work (preface, acknowledgement, table of contents, introduction, appendix, register, etc.) must start on a right-hand (odd numbered) page. Please note that according to most university guidelines for dissertations and habilitations, the first page of the book or first page with rear page must contain the required information (date of examination, reporter, etc.). This is followed by the inside page produced by the publishers and the printer's imprint. The deposit copies should normally contain a curriculum vitae at the end.
We recommend that page numbers be positioned on the outside. This means that the even numbers have to be set up on the left and odd numbers on the right (can be found in Word under: File/Insert/Page numbers (option “outside”)). Another option is to place there page numbers at the bottom of the page in the middle. The page numbers are generally integrated in the header or footer.
We recommend that you do not number the preliminary matter and header and that the table of contents and any list of illustrations be numbered with Roman numerals up to the start of the book. Arabic numerals then begin on the first page of the main text.
When scanning colour or grey sale illustrations select a resolution of at least 300 dpi (optimum 600 dpi). Purely b/w illustrations, in other words lineart, should be scanned at 1,200 dpi. All image files that are used may not be provided in a size smaller than that planned for printing since their quality will suffer from later enlargement.
Avoid fine lines below 0.3 mm (0.9pt) since these can break off if the text is scaled down for printing.
Allgemeiner Ablauf
Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder! Bitte füllen Sie diese unbedingt vollständig aus.
Anrede*: | Herr Frau |
Titel: | |
Vorname*: | |
Nachname*: | |
Universität / Institution (1): | |
Universität / Institution (2): | |
Straße, Hausnummer*: | |
Land, PLZ, Stadt*: | |
Telefon (1)*: | |
Telefon (2): | |
Fax: | |
eMail*: |
Benutzername*: | |
Sicherheitsfrage*: | |
Antwort*: |
Benutzername*: | Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen zu |
We have provided some standard contracts as PDF files here for your information:
Notes on preparing a manuscript: Download
Leaflet on designing the layout of book covers as PDF version: Download
Form for your interested audience to market and distribute your book: Download
Instructions for craeting eBooks in an epub format: Download
The freeware program Ghost View, for example, can be used to check PostScript files on screen. Please pay attention to the installation instructions as these can be a little tricky.
The following PPD file can be used to configure the driver: xrxdtnsp.ppd (39 KB).
Adobe PostScript driver:
- Download
- Notes: Installation instructions from Adobe
The PostScript driver can be downloaded directly from Adobe:
Download | Printer driver download main page |
Download | PPD data for your PostScript printer |
Download | English homepage for printer drivers (includes detailed information about the available PPD files) |
You should use the following PPD file to configure the driver: xrxdtnsp.ppd (39 KB). ). This file contains all important settings for configuring your PostScript file.
Notes: Installation instructions from Adobe (English)
DVIPS can be found at Information and FAQ's on LaTeX and DVIPS can be found at
Adobe Acrobat Reader for a variety of languages and operating systems can be found at Adobe.
Creating file copies
Modern printing methods allow us to accept manuscripts on data carriers as printing copies. Digital manuscripts have some decisive advantages over paper copies with respect to the quality of the finished book. Images and graphics in particular can be reproduced almost perfectly if using digital copies.
The PostScript format has established itself as a standard in the printing industry. We have also decided to adopt this format since it is supported by the majority of word processing, graphic and page typesetting programs. The widespread use of Windows with its application-independent driver technology ensures an uncomplicated handling of the PostScript format. Nor do UNIX users have any problems with PostScript thanks to various add-on programs.
Since we have certain requirements as regards the PostScript format we would like to give you some tips on how to set up and use the PostScript driver in the following.
Before you can create a PostScript file you first have to install the corresponding printer driver. Select the “Printer” option from the general settings. Then select either “Add printer” or “New printer” depending on the program and follow the instructions of the installation assistant. Click “Local printer” (not the Plug & Play option). Now select the printer connection (FILE: output to file). You should now select the HP LaserJet 8150 Series PS or alternatively the HP Color LaserJet 8500 PS from the printer list that is shown. Then follow the assistant's instructions up to the “Finish” options and leave all the default settings as they are.
To avoid any subsequent shift of the text you should select the corresponding PostScript printer driver before starting any final formatting work.
To create a PostScript file select the previously installed printer from the printer menu and click the “Print to file” field. Click the “Properties” option to open the next menu field. Set the paper size to DIN A4 irrespective of the final format and select 600 dpi from the “Print quality” option. The scale should be changed according to the final format:
Format DIN A4 = 100%
Format B5 (17 x 24 cm) = 80%
Format DIN A5 = 70%
Finally select “Load to printer as soft font” in the TrueType font option. You can leave the remaining settings as they are. Then confirm your settings with OK and specify the storage location and file name.
LATEX creates a special, device-independent format. This can be converted to the PostScript format using the program DVIPS or DVIPSK.
Please check the program's help file. Set the resolution to 600 dpi with the parameter -D600. You should use the -mode docutech and -Ppdf parameters if possible and pay attention to the corresponding parameters for scaling.
Possible parameters for the scale are:
Format B5 (17 x 24 cm) -x800
Format DIN A5 -x700
You can send the same PostScript file to several printers and you will always get the best quality without anything changing on the printed page.
Depending on the program you are using the file will end with either .prn or .ps. Please note that we cannot make any amendments or corrections to the PostScript file. We therefore recommend that you check the format (page breaks, etc.) after you have created the PostScript file(s) using the GhostView program. You will find a link to download this program at the downloadcentre.
If you want to create a PDF file you will need the Acrobat Professional program or a comparable freeware program such as FreePDF or PDFCreator.
If you are using Acrobat Professional, select the Adobe PDF printer from the printer menu of your word processing program to create a PDF file. Click the “Properties” option to open the next menu field. Select the standard setting “Press Quality” or “High quality print”. Select “None” as an option under Adobe PDF safety. Set the paper size to DIN A4 irrespective of the final format and select 600 dpi in the “Print quality” option. The scale should be changed according to the final format:
Format DIN A4 = 100%
Format B5 (17 x 24 cm) = 80%
Format DIN A5 = 70%
Finally select “Load to printer as soft font” in the TrueType font option. You can leave the remaining settings as they are. Then confirm your settings with OK and specify the storage location and file name. A PDF file will then be created.
If using a different PDF program, make sure that you embed all fonts and set a high print quality.
Please note that we cannot make any amendments or corrections to the PDF file. You should thus check the format again after the PDF file has been created.
The most popular size for our reference books is DIN A5. This means that the pages have to be scaled down since the majority of manuscripts are created in a DIN A4 size in word processing programs.
This is not a problem if the manuscript is submitted as a paper copy. But subsequent scaling of a PostScript file using a post-processing program is always very susceptible to faults. The ideal solution is thus to scale the PostScript data directly during printing.
Scaling options are provided by the majority of PostScript printer drivers. (e.g: Windows driver: Scale 70% and under UNIX with DVIPS: -x700).
The scaling value of 70% is the result of a reduction from DIN A4 (297mm x 210mm) to DIN A5 (210mm x 148.5mm).
The page should still have the paper size DIN A4 (this does not have to be changed to DIN A5!). The scaled page can also be positioned anywhere on the (printed) page so that you do not have to worry about bothersome shift settings.
You can send us files of up to 10 MB per e-mail. If you wish to send larger amounts of data we recommend saving the file on your own homepage with download link or sending us the file on a CD/DVD.
This page contains the Ghost View program that lets you view PostScript files. You first have to install a version of Ghostscript and then a version of Ghostview.
Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact our Technical Support.
VG Wort remuneration
The Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (VG WORT) was founded in 1958 as an association vested with legal capacity and holds the copyrights of authors and publishers in trust as a nonprofit organisation. The Verwertungsgesellschaft Wissenschaft has been organised as a separate department within the VG Wort since 1978.
Due to the increasing mechanisation of our society, duplications and other secondary uses of works are becoming easier and more frequent. They have now become unmanageable for authors and publishers. VG WORT collects charges for many of these uses which it then distributes as a dividend once a year according to a special allocation formula. The scope and modalities of this work is being constantly revised and adapted to the changing circumstances.
The revenues of VG WORT from exercising copyrights amounted to € 117.89 million in 2008.
The most important sources of income are:
- library royalties and income from magazine subscription services for lending out works
- device and tape fees for the public broadcasting of radio and TV programs and the possibility of private recordings
- copier fees and copier operator fees for the manufacture, import and operation of copiers
- press review remuneration for reprinting articles, etc. in press reviews
The number of recipients is growing steadily and in 2009 totalled 148.775, 143.132 of which were authors and 5.643 publishers.
Holders of copyrights and rights of use and utilisation to literary works or presentations of an academic or technical nature can transfer the exercise of their rights to VG WORT and will then participate in the dividend payout. This is carried out through the conclusion of a rights administration agreement.
The rights owners are classified in the following groups:
- authors and translators of fiction and dramatic literature
- journalists, authors and translators of non-fiction
- authors and translators of academic and technical literature
- publishers of works of fiction and non-fiction
- stage publishers
- publishers of academic works and technical literature
In the academic department department dividend payouts can be made without concluding a rights administration agreement solely on the basis of the registration of titles titles of academic technical literature and non-fiction in books and trade magazines by the rights owners.
The main dividend payout in 2009 for 2008 was carried out in June 2009.
The average dividend per author in 2008 was around 400 euros.
A total of 54.5 million euros were paid out.
As an author you should use the opportunities that exist to exercise your copyrights and to profit financially from the various uses of your work. For many authors the remuneration from VG WORT has now become a firm part of their income. When deciding to cooperate with a publisher you should therefore take the following advantages of a publishing house publication into account:
- cooperation and mutual endorsement of the work of the author and publisher
- the possibility of benefiting from the work of VG WORT as a copyright holder and therefore of making the most financially of your work
The VG Wort website at has more than 100 pages of information about itself and its work.
As a Shaker Verlag author you will receive an application form for the VG WORT along with your author's copies.
Authors in the academic field have also been able to register online since 1 November 2003.
The main annual dividend payout is held at the end of June each year.
Books must be registered with the VG WORT at the latest by 31st January of the year following the year of publication.
Please register your works in due time! At best, directly after their publication.
The Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (VG WORT) is an association vested with legal capacity and holds the copyrights of authors and publishers in trust as a nonprofit organisation.
Google has illicitly digitised protected works in the USA and placed these at the disposal of the public on the Google homepage. This also relates to German and English publications by German publishers that are available in libraries in the USA, for example. But Google did not obtain any rights from the rights owners, in other word the publishers and authors. In this connection the VG Wort has written to all authors who have registered their titles with them and has offered to represent their interests against Google.
If the authors agree to this they have to complete the form authorising VG Wort to defend their rights against Google. A settlement is currently being worked out in the USA and those authors whose works have been digitised by Google should then receive a compensatory payment of around $ 60.
We recommend our authors to authorise VG Wort to represent their interests. No costs whatsoever will be entailed by the authors. The rights can also be transferred online on the homepage of the VG Wort (
Book design
A high quality book design assumes the use of first-class materials. We can offer a variety of paper grades, bindings and formats for your individual publication.
A basic differentiation is made in book publishing between paperbacks with a flexible cover and books with a hard back (hardcovers). Both types of book can be realised in several versions and with different types of binding.
Our 250g offset board is colour printed with your layout and finished on one side with top-quality film. You can choose between a matt and glossy surface. Apart from the standard soft cover you can also opt for the so-called English brochure with book covers that can be folded in at the sides.
The cover board and book block are normally glued together with a hotmelt adhesive. Alternatively we can also offer a cold glue compound and thread-stitching. Books with only a few pages are made by stapling the pages together.
You can choose a standard layout or a simple design with a specific graphic on a monochrome background. Our graphic department will also be pleased to help you design a multi-colour wrapper with an individual design for a book with either a flexible or fixed cover.
The colour printed cover paper is finished on one side with top quality film and drawn directly over the book cover. You can once again choose between a matt, glossy and textured surface. The book cover can optionally be lined with printed hand-made paper. The book is then wrapped in a colour printed dust jacket. Cloth or glossy cloth can also be used as a cover material on which the author's name and the title are embossed for very high quality special prints. Hardcovers with a clothback also receive a printed and finished dust jacket.
Most hardcovers are also made with an adhesive binding. We can also offer a classic stitched book block as an alternative to honour the classic art of bookbinding.
A more detailed calculation of the costs of your publication can be requested here.
Four high-quality paper grades are available for the book block in various grammages.
Yellowish-white book paper
(80, 90 and 100 g/m²) is ideal for books that primarily contain text, especially fiction and specialist books. It has a higher volume and a high opacity.
White top-grade paper
(70, 80 and 90 g/m²) ideal for specialist books with several illustrations as well as reference books and textbooks.
Glossy coated art paper
(90 and 120 g/m²) is coated to allow the brilliant reproduction of photos and pictures.
Matt coated art paper
(90 and 115 g/m²) is also coated and offers a non-reflecting reproduction of photos and pictures.
Layout design
When scanning images make sure that grey scale images are scanned with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (grey scale mode) and coloured images with a resolution of at least 600 dpi (CMYK mode).
Then save as Tiff or possibly EPS in the program you are using.
Texts should be saved separately as .rtf, .txt or in a Word document (.doc) (spine texts, etc.)
Save logos as EPS- or Tiff-Size.
Save coloured logos in the CMYK mode or use the desired special colours (e.g. Pantone or HKS palettes)
Logos and text should also be saved separately.
Logos or images in b/w (100% black) should be scanned with 800-1000 dpi.
It is helpful if you can send us a printout of your layout for checking purposes. This copy will then be realised accordingly by our graphic designers.
You can also specify the font, size, etc. in advance and send us the font used if necessary. (apart from common typeface)
Please make sure that the files can be read in Windows if they have been written on a Macintosh.
Pay attention to these points if you wish to avoid delays and problems.
Cover design
You can choose between the following layouts and colour variants:
![]() |
![]() |
In your account, you can individually generate your cover.
![]() |
![]() |
In your account, you can individually generate your cover.
Golden yellow
Lemon yellow
Pistachio green
Emerald green
California blue
Thistle blue
Caribbean blue
These jackets are available in various colours. Click the jacket to select a different colour.
The basic design of our specialist publications includes:
Format: | 14,8 x 21 cm (DIN A5) |
Paper: | 80g/m² wood-free white |
Binding: | high-quality adhesive binding |
Cover: | Paperback, 280g/m² board, optionally glossy, textured or matt finish |
A more detailed calculation of the costs of your publication can be requested here.
Jackets in multi-colour or four-colour printing are common.
You can send us you own jacket design which will then be edited for printing by our graphic department.
Information on the layout design of book jackets can be found in our
Leaflet on designing the layout of book covers (PDF version).
Layout design
When scanning images make sure that grey scale images are scanned with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (grey scale mode) and coloured images with a resolution of at least 600 dpi (CMYK mode).
Then save as Tiff or possibly EPS in the program you are using.
Texts should be saved separately as .rtf, .txt or in a Word document (.doc) (spine texts, etc.)
Save logos as EPS- or Tiff-Size.
Save coloured logos in the CMYK mode or use the desired special colours (e.g. Pantone or HKS palettes)
Logos and text should also be saved separately.
Logos or images in b/w (100% black) should be scanned with 800-1000 dpi.
It is helpful if you can send us a printout of your layout for checking purposes. This copy will then be realised accordingly by our graphic designers.
You can also specify the font, size, etc. in advance and send us the font used if necessary. (apart from common typeface)
Please make sure that the files can be read in Windows if they have been written on a Macintosh.
Pay attention to these points if you wish to avoid delays and problems.
Create a dissertation / habilitation in your account »